J.Lynn Johnston's Blahg!

I love my life! You should too…

Sleep Sniper

Hey all…

-My friend Dave loves to take pictures of people while they sleep. It’s his own private way of capitalizing on people’s vulnerable moments. And I think it’s hilarious. Usually they sleep right through it, completely unaware they’ve just been sniper-shot. But sometimes they wake up to a flash, a snicker, or both. By then it’s too late. He’s got ’em already…

-Dave’s wife, much like you and I, spends a lot of time on MySpace. So he came up with a super elaborate plan to pull a fast one on her. She keeps up on all her friends’ blogs and posts, and is often among the first to comment. Dave calls me one night, super excited… “Dude! Write a blog with a FAKE title, and then when she rushes to be the first to leave a comment on your SUPER public profile page, she’ll open the fake blog and find nothing but a bunch of pictures of HER SLEEPING!”

-He immediately flooded my inbox with all sorts of digital pics of his wife sound asleep in la-la-land.

-It was mildly creepy.

-In waiting for the right moment to unleash this dark tidal wave of comedy, I started plotting ways to somehow flip his own joke around on him. To trick the trickster, if you will… A big break came this evening, when he inadvertently sent me the perfect bit of ammunition. STRAIGHT FROM THE MAN HIMSELF!!!
-Feel free to scroll down…
























-Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dave Powers:

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I wonder if he woke up wif a itchy t’roat…

Love and second smartest status,

September 21, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Bad Day

Hey folks,

-So for quite some time, my friends in the band Teaneck have been saying I look like Daniel Powter whenever I wear a hat. I don’t get it… How can a simple piece of headwear up top instantly transform ME (a guitar playing California guy from a heavier rock band), into HIM (a piano-playing pop sensation from Canada with an annoyingly catchy crossover radio hit)?

-I don’t get it. Eh, whatever. You decide… After all, “The camera don’t lie,” right?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting =Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ???

Love and “Bad Days,”

September 8, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment